February 4, 2010 Meeting

Posted January 31, 2010 at 1:11 AM, Filed Under: All News, Meetings

Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Brandermill Region Men's Club will hold its second meeting of 2010 on Thursday, February 4th in the Brandermill Church.

Refreshments and fellowship at 9:15 a.m.
The meeting starts at10:00 a.m. sharp

Our speaker this month will be our own member, author and historian Bill Clotworthy. Bill will discuss his most recent book, "In the Footsteps of George Washington" a most appropriate subject during the month of our first president's birth. Bill has prepared a moving lecture: "George Washington in the West" based on portions of his book.

As with all BRMC programs, our wives and guests are invited to attend and participate in these presentations.

"The want of accurate Maps of the Country which has hitherto been the Scene of War, has been a great disadvantage to me. I have in vain endeavored to procure them and have been obliged to make shift, with such sketches as I could trace from my own Observations …. "

The words of George Washington, according to John C. Fitzpatrick, ed. Writings of George Washington from the Original Manuscript Sources, 1745-1799, ed. (Washington, D.C. Government Printing Office, 1931-44)

George Washington’s achievements as the first President on the United States and his role as leader of the Continental army against the British during the Revolution are well known. Sadly, much less is known about his early and lifelong involvement with cartography and geography, and his early work as a surveyor. His writings also detail that all through his many pursuits in business, in land speculation, in the military, as a farmer, and even as president, he relied upon, and greatly benefited from his interest in cartography and his dependency on maps, as the foregoing quotation indicates.

Clotworthy’s most recent book release, In the Footsteps of George Washington, is a biographical itinerary of the Father of our Country that identifies and describes over 300 publicly accessible sites associated with the life and legacy of our first president, ranging geographically from Maine and New Hampshire to West Virginia -- and Georgia -- and Barbados -- and thematically from his birthplace on the Northern Neck of Virginia to his beloved Mount Vernon.

Mr. Clotworthy has prepared a moving lecture, George Washington in the West, based on portions of that book, the theme of which is that Washington’s early life experiences as surveyor, explorer and military leader during the French and Indian War molded his life in preparation for the staggering responsibilities that followed.