Meeting Schedule
Regular meetings of BRMC are held the first Thursday of each month at The Brandermill Church, except there are no meetings in July and August.
We meet at 9:30 in the Multipurpose Room for coffee and refreshments. The regular meeting starts at 10:00 a.m.
Upcoming Speakers
February 6, 2025 Meeting
Our meeting speaker will be Chesterfield Sheriff Karl Leonard.We have resumed the 50-50 raffle. The recipients of our funds will be decided later this year.
In response to popular demand by our Members, the business portion of our monthly meetings has been streamlined and shortened to the bare essentials, e.g., the Treasurer's report, the Member Care report, and only those additional reports that have something new or timely to bring to your attention.
Knowing how we all enjoy all that membership in the BRMC brings to us, why not offer our friends and neighbors the opportunity to join the Club?
Please let Greg Pearson know if you have any ideas for speakers for our regular meetings.